Actual skill required.

User Rating: 8.4 | Summer Games II C64
No matter how many times I played this game I always felt I could do better the next time. The World Record feature and innovative gameplay made this one of the most addictive games for the commodore 64. Even though the controls were simple.. the timing of the movements seemed to be milisecond accurate. There was no way to memorize the exact motions to do for each event. For instance, in the pole vaulting event.. you always seemed to know that you put the pole down a second too early.. or that you pulled your body up to slow and dropped early ect... Skeet shooting was another fun event. One of my favorite events was the diving. You could push the stick in different directions to change the type of rotation of the dive. This changed the speed of the rotation as well. You could be extremely creative, but you had to make sure that you stuck the landing so that you could get that amazing 10! You know, this game wore out our controllers so bad. I remember the sound of the ribbed rubber controler squeeking as we pushed it in circles during the swimming events, and the back and forth rythm during the running. The controls were so creative when you think that the commodore 64 controllers consisted of a stick with one button. I'd love to play this with my brother again .. so that I could hear the national anthem and laugh in hs face during the closing ceromonies.