This game retails at $20. That's as many as two 10s, and that's terrible.

User Rating: 1.5 | Sudoku Mania DS
Sudoku mania doesn't work:
The sudoku in this game do not have unique solutions. This frequently leads to a point in the puzzle where you have four or more squares with interchangeable answers, and that really sucks the challenge out of the whole thing.

The controls are horrible:
Brain Age showed us what could be done for sudoku with the touch screen and stylus. Maybe the two were being developed at the same time or maybe the Brain Age controls are patented--but really, the programmers of Sudoku Mania could only come up with was putting a second d-pad on the touch screen? What does having two d-pads do for sudoku?

The good:
I bought Sudoku Mania because I wanted to be able to manipulate the size and symbols of the sudoku board, which this game allows you to do. I actually like some of the music. It comes in a sturdy DS box which you can use to store and protect one DS and one GBA game--perhaps used games you bought without boxes, or games whose boxes you have lost.