User Rating: 8.8 | Sudeki XBOX
Sudeki is a fun and beautiful game. Half adventure and half RPG the game has fluid graphics and enjoyable combat that make it worthy of a gamers time to take a look. I have the game and have played it quite a bit. Im really enjoying the game and I think some people are just being a bit quick to bash it for whatever reason. The game is just plain fun. The combat is very cool and has a kinda combo attack system similar to PSO. (you may see me refer to PSO alot) In fact much of the game is very similar to PSO just bigger and better. (without the online part of course) The special Spirit Attacks and Skills attacks are very well done with some seriously cool effects and particle details. The graphics are just stunning to look at. Yeah the areas you travel through may be a bit.....linear...but they look damn good and have all sorts of character and detail. The sound is also very well done. The creaking of boards, chirps of birds and insects and of course all the attack SFX sounds. The voice acting may be a bit cheesy to some but in truth its better then the majority of games I have seen lately. Yeah its not to FF level but its still passable. The story is a bit cut and dry and isnt developed as much as i would like so far but it still has character for the main characters. You start to get backgrounds on the main characters slowly and they are somewhat interesting even if they are a bit unoriginal. The ability to add "enhancments" to your armor and weapons at a blacksmith is pretty cool. Also the leveling up and selecting new powers things is very well done and easy to feel like your not really wasting powers or skills or anything like that. Again.... I think the game is pretty cool from what I have played so far. It's basically a slightly FF style game setting I guess. It's fun and pretty....even if it's not as deep as some of the hardcore RPG people seem to want it to be.