Another Victim of the "Hype" Monster,

User Rating: 8.1 | Sudeki XBOX
This game should have never been hyped as the "Final Fantasy Killer" or RPG of the Year contender that it was hyped to be, but it should not be mocked as a "Horrible" game. I have to admit I was very put off by some of the reviews and feedback that Sudeki recieved and that caused me to overlook it and wait for a few months before I considered it again. In the end it was a 19.99 price tag that finally caught my eye and caused me to buy it and let it sit on the coffee table for a few weeks before I finally opened it. Once I did I quickly realized that this game was not a "Fair" or "Poor" title. The Graphics are simply fantastic, perhaps not when compared to some of the "Heavy hitters" of 2004, but for an RPG I think most people would be hardpressed to find anything that looks so crisp clean and colorful. The detail was amazing and the endless amount of color used in every aspect of this game was also just overwealming. Even the character detail is just top end from the main characters down to the randoms you will bump into in towns and elsewhere. The gameplay is where this game ran into some of its bigger issues, the battle controls are awkward, and even once they are learnt its still very easy to make a mistake, but once you have it down its not that bad. I can't massicre this game for poor gameplay because its not poor it just has a higher learning curve then most, but can be very awkward. Once aspect I enjoyed was the choices you have with two characters using the hack and slash approach and two giving you sort of a cool FPS look. Also the settings are changable so you can really customize some of the aspects of your combat gaming. The Story is your typical RPG storyline, Save the world, great evil, etc. Most reviewers classified it as "weak" but it had its moments and some of the best RPG's are based on the classic save the world concept. Their are twist and turns but it is not among the best of stories but more then servicable. Sound, The soundtrack is just plain bad. I know some people enjoyed it but it was very generic, almost like they selected "Default RPG Music" when they designed that aspect of the game. The Voice Acting on the other hand, very well done the voices actually match the characters, although they just do not speak enough although alot of the random folk yammer on and their voices are unique and interesting so I can't complain! Value, Well for those who beat it in 10 hours I simply have to say that is has to be a falsehood. Playing through with very little of the unrelated side stuff that is just boring or doesn't benefit me took me in the 20 - 25 hour mark, and that does not count that countless times I died at some moments that were much harder then I would have expected. Overall its not the Mecca of RPG games but its a very servicable title in a grown collection of solid X-Box RPG's -Z