I’m rather bias because I enjoyed the first game so much.

User Rating: 7.5 | Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory PC
I loved the first Sudden Strike game and expansion packs. It did a good job bringing realistic damage to an RTS game, almost to the point where it became a flaw. Tank armor, angle, range, gun, and crew skill all played into the damage done. Infantry have longer sight range but are obviously very easy to kill. The first games flaw was that even if the computer didn't have a spotter they would continue to fire pin point artillery on your forces. This game MAY require them to have a unit spotting for them. I can't be certain. Somehow, Fireglow screwed up the mouse interface on this demo. Scrolling is disgusting. I don't know how they messed that up but it certainly makes it difficult to try and enjoy this demo. I've never played the second game so I don't know how they did their naval units; it may be the same as this game. To me, it seems OK. The landing craft did start to sink when I moved them away from shore. I don't know if this was because some of them were so shot up they sunk when they moved off the shore or if thats a game bug.
The fire support interface is nice. You get a battleship and an aircraft carrier to support your forces. However, when selected the targets, I wasn't able to use the small tactical map. So aircraft couldn't be pin pointed on an individual target. Instead they would bomb an empty area of the field near the tank I was trying to target. Maybe there is a way to use the tactical map for more pin point targeting... I just haven't found it.
There are still problems with some units not moving, or moving in a different manor than you would expect. Also, the infantry can't move through narrow areas of the port like that you would expect them to be able to. Areas between buildings that look like alleys to narrow for tanks are apparently too small for infantry as well. That’s too bad because it would give infantry far more use if they were able to make use of terrain to flank enemy forces.
It’s only a demo and I hope that Fireglow will fix these issues. One thing I'm a little upset with is the graphics. I don't mind 2D RTS games but for the second game in the series it really doesn't look graphically better than the first and that’s a problem.
I was really looking forward to Company of Heros. I thought it would have better damage profiles and be less arcade-like than it actually is. That game, while pretty, was very disappointing to me. GS gave it a great review but GS undoubtedly gets kickbacks from large software companies. This game could have been the opposite of CoH. It could have had modest graphics with great game play and historical accuracy instead of childish comical sayings from the units. So far it failed to succeed in doing that or even being a better game than its predecessors.

I hope the full game fixes these issues and has better graphics. I doubt, at this point in the production, graphics can be changed much but some of the bugs can and must be fixed.