An Awesome game that anyone would love to play! Girls like it more due to the fashion aspect but boys could like it too.

User Rating: 10 | Wagamama Fashion: Girls Mode DS
An Awesome game that anyone would love to play! could have a little more story but is addicting all the same! No matter the day I always wish I could put down the task at hand and play Style savvy. You'd be crazy to say that it wasn't fun or that it was boring because it is the complete oppisite and is one of the best games out there today. Girls are more drawn to the game but that doesn't mean that a boy couldn't play this just plain awesome game! If my review doesn't convince you to buy style savvy then I've wasted my time but if it even makes you consider it for even a second then I've done my job. This game makes you think about money management and is a great game for girls of all ages. when i give a game 10 out of 10 then it must be good (i'm very critical) Hope I've made adifference! If a style savvy 2 (and maybe even 3) comes out it will be tough to beat such a great game!