MMMMM...Brains! Do I need Brain to Play?

User Rating: 7.6 | Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse PC
Stubbs, This is a great zombie character. Funny, Man-Of-Action, and Hungry. But there is something that the game was lacking. PC Power. This game is just as hungry for Hardware as Stubbs was hungry for Brains. To really enjoy this game you must ether
A.) Have a Top of the line computer


B.) Get an X-Box.

This game is kinda like GTA 3 with little story. It's blood gore fun action is great for an Hour then it slowly repeats itself over and over and over. It's best to play this game little by little. Music was really change of pace. Oldies mix with todays bands and you get... Good remixes.

Stubbs has lots of fighting tools and moves. You have a gut grenade (just as it sounds) , The Nuke-Gas move ( In English : BIG FART ), And his left arm ( or was it his right? Anyways he rips it off his body and you can control it to Possess people..Cool ) And the people you bite, Will become part of your zombie army. But.. Since you ate their brains. They are not to much of use. Only good for is to push them into battle or, Zombie Shields.

This game has lots of levels mix with the Past and the future in one time period. The game has Comedy, Blood, Action, Blood, Puzzles, Blood, and Blood. Did I say that there was lot's of Blood in it. This game has so much of it, and can break a vampires diet.