Mmmm, Brains....

User Rating: 7 | Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse PC
Well, I just finished Stubbs the Zombie, and I have to say: what a blast! Playing Stubbs has been some of the most fun I have had with a game in quite some time.
Most "zombie" games out there have you trying to either wipe out the zombies, or just survive them. But Stubbs is totally different in that you ARE the zombie. Your mission: eat brains, and convert the citizenry into your personal zombie horde.
Although an action game, and (sort of) a shooter, Stubbs cannot use guns; the only weapons he has is his own decaying body. He can bite, swipe and kick, and eventually learns special zombie powers, like using his internal organs as explosive grenades, and a detachable hand he can use to possess humans with, in order to access the weapons he himself cannot actually use.
Stubbs can also use his own head as an exploding bowling ball (truly bizarre!), but the funniest weapon at his disposal is "unholy flatulence". Stubbs' zombie farts give new meaning to the phrase "clear the room".
Graphics are good, but dated as the game uses the Halo 1 engine. I wish the devs had picked something a little newer, but then again you don't need a supercomputer to play because of it. Some people love the grainy "old movie" effect, but I would have preferred they left that out. But that's just my personal preference.
Sound is very good. The music soundtrack is excellent; covers of '50s tunes by indie bands. It's so good I intend to buy the soundtrack CD. Sound effects and voice acting are great; the zombie's gurgles and moans, and their human victims' comments are frequently hilarious.
Game controls are somewhat klunky; the PC keyboard is not the best way to play this game. And for a game based on such an ancient engine, it shouldn't chug on high-end systems, but still does at times.
But those are minor complaints, and the game is good enough you will want to keep playing to see what happens next. Which leads to the only major problem with the game; it is way too short.
There are only 12 levels, and on easy level you can easily finish the game in 6-10 houea. I just wish there had been more too it; even playing very casually I was done in only 2 days. Haven't tried the hard or "insane" difficulty levels yet, but even those won't add all that much to playing time.
Still and all though, Stubbs is a great game. Just wait until the price comes down a bit, as no game is worth paying full retail when 10 hours later you're already done. Hopefully though, there will be an add-on or two in the game's future...