Fire your entire staff, Firefly - you are an epic failure at making games...god help whoever paid $50 for this

User Rating: 1 | Stronghold 3 PC
i knew things were going to be bad from the very first level...actually i knew it as soon as the cutscene started playing...but lets be honest noone expected a revolution in RTS here....this game is bad...epicly bad...hilariously bad if you didnt pay $50 for it and enragingly bad if you did

what can i say that others didn't already tilt for the camera (wtf?), wolves that come in broad daylight and slaughter your entire village with no resistance from the populace (realism yo), the popularity system from s1 got nuked and replaced with some abomination, people move around like they're on barbituates, melee fights look like everyone is drunk...there's something extremely unsettling about this game, its very hard to suspend any kind of disbelief...ive been playing RTS games since warcraft 1 and i couldnt get past level 2 in this game...and honestly after 15 minutes with this game - i didnt want to either

they had so many years to improve on stronghold 1, instead they've made it worse...far worse

honestly i could rant for pages and pages about how bad this game is, don't believe me? torrent it

its a sick joke on firefly's part to price it at $50