Not great

User Rating: 6 | Strider Returns: Journey From Darkness GG

This is a much better 8 bit version than it's Master System counterpart - the main difference being that it runs smoother with better visuals.

It still shares all the same problems.

Almost all the difficulty from Strider Returns stems from being rushed off screen. There is no skill involves beyond rapidly hitting the attack key before the projectile or enemy hits regardless of what it is. Enemies themselves are boring - 0 creativity.

In some cases, the game is designed as such to deliberately drop you on an unseasonable enemy.

While navigating is smoother, the players summersalt jump, cannot be stopped with a direction switch, and in some cases (as in vertical ropes) doesn't register them.

Boss battles are fine, though standard fare, nothing exceptional.

This is an alright game, it's expansion of player acrobatics at such an early era is admirable, if poorly implemented.

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