The best fighter since Street Fighter 2.

User Rating: 9.5 | Street Fighter X Tekken X360
After spending a few days with this fighter, I can be safe to say that it is extraordinary. It accomplishes many feats: 1.) It successfully merges the Tekken and Street Fighter characters into a fighting game. 2.) The game feels like a fighting game that is unique, even when compared with past Capcom crossover fighting games. 3.) It is fun. The skill required to play the game is probably a little bit more than that which is required in Marvel vs Capcom 3, yet not so technically taxing, as in a game like Street Fighter 4, where timing seem like it takes center stage of every battle. SFxT is welcoming to newcomers, as well, because of Assist Gems in the new Gem system. The Gem System accomplishes two feats: it brings an added depth when playing a fighting game, and it also makes some commands for moves that may be daunting for beginning players a little easier. All in all, don't wait to get this fighter. Get it now. You will be missing on months of fighting goodness if you hold out.