I've heard great reviews of SF4. Unfortunately it's an abomination!

User Rating: 5.5 | Street Fighter IV X360
Before I get completely out of control with rage let me just say, that the 2 player one-on-one is pretty fun.

Now, for the fun part. The arcade mode is horrible! The vast majority of characters look ridiculous particularly Chun-Li ungodly thighs and the disgustingly obese Rufus.

Rufus is so fat that his belly is spilling out of his SKIN-TIGHT JUMPSUIT!!! Who thought that was a good idea! He is also the biggest perpetrator of shouting out his every move not to mention he proclaims that he is the best and he's actually good!!! He seems like a silly joke character the developers simply put in the game to suck but he whoops me every time!

Which leads me to my next point, the games unbelievable difficulty!
I can't pass it once on Normal difficulty!
You really need to develop a technique and strategy to beat this game.

If you've read my Ninja Gaiden review you know how angry difficulty makes me.

This game is horribly overrated and if you are looking for a fighting game that is fun, I'd recommend Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe.

This is an abomination! So why the "High" score? Like I said the one-on-one 2 player is pretty fun, otherwise I'd whole-heartedly suggest that pass this overrated beat-down of the soul.