Best street fighter ever!

User Rating: 10 | Street Fighter IV PC

This is the best street fighter game ever! It has attractive backgrounds and you could even make some of the audience fall. The characters look much better than the previous games and each character have different coloured costumes. With each character, when fighting your rival it has interesting cut scenes.

When playing this game I recommend it playing it in hard for fun but hardest for maximum fun and DO NOT PLAY IN EASIEST mode because it will ruin the game.

Finally we can play Ryu's teacher Gouken (my new favourite character besides Ryu) and he has the most interesting scene when you use him to fight Akuma. On the other hand there's Seth (The most annoying boss but easiest to damage character in the entire game) is like cell from Dragon Ball Z, stealing each characters best moves. This makes it annoying because he can teleport, jump from wall and most of all Zangief's most annoying grapple move (the top 3 most annoying moves Seth uses) but you can predict where his going to be when he teleports.

The only down side is when playing online, the game would really suck if the either person have a bad internet connection. Other then that, this is the best pc fighting game so it's a definite buy.