This game has been around for a long time. Now they finally added just the right ingriedient to give it flavor.

User Rating: 10 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX PSP
Street Fighter is just a game that gets you hooked. It's not ike any other game because it has that creativity that makes you want to play it without asking about it.It's just like peanut butter and jelly. A good combination. Capcom is basically a wonderful game maker. It uses the right imgriedients to make the flavor kust right. No one can make classic games that will be ariund this long like Capcom does. Capcom is always amazing me with their games because they don't make a false advertisement on their commercials.They always get straight to the point with their games. Don't get me wrong. I like every game that Capcom comes out with, but Street Fighter is just like a real life story. Just minus the Hadoukens and the Tiger Blasts.