There are certain iconic moments which define a man's life. Street Cleaning Simulator is the entire definition.

User Rating: 10 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
It's hard to imagine Street Cleaning Simulator... well, that's just it isn't it? SCS operates on a new plane of existence, transcendent of life itself. This creation defies classification. It is not a game, it is not a simulator, it is not even a way of life. It is everything and nothing, creation and destruction, life and death.

If you will permit me, I will recount my experience with SCS the best that I can, as if one could ever describe such an event. I will begin by prefacing all summary by saying that the fundamental core of who I am is no longer what I was. I am, as we all are, street cleaners at heart. And this experience opens everyone's eyes to that reality.

I purchased SCS after reading the reviews on this site. While all stocks were completely sold out, I sold my kidney, my firstborn, and my left index finger knuckle (don't ask) on the Eurasian black market. A small pittance for the reality that was to be foisted on my unprepared mental faculties. I sat down to play it in 17.1 surround sound for full immersion, viewed on an 654" HD projector screen. As I sat down to play, I realized that the reviews didn't even tell the story, so much so that I couldn't say the surface was even scratched. SCS is so deep, so true to the human condition, that no amount of gushing reviews could do it justice. So I played. And I played. And 35 years later, after the time continuum was altered to allow me to write this review to my future self, I am still playing. I have never stopped. There is no stopping. There is no ending to the street cleaner. It is a story that must be told, must be lived, forever. The universe itself cannot end The Simulator. It is who we are all meant to be.