I strongly recommend this fantastic game. It is, by far, one of the most realistic and exciting games I have ever played

User Rating: 9.5 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
Absolutely amazing. This is, by far, one of the greatest games of all time. There is so much fine-tuning and focus on details, that you sometimes forget that this is just a game.

I am absolutely baffled about how many hours I've spent without even noticing.

The graphics are not just graphics, but more like the real world than any other game I've experienced.

You can tell that there have been spent alot of effort with the sound in the game aswell. It is really realistic down to every single dog barf and mumbling pedestrian.

I cannot give this game a clear 10, because there is no multiplayer part, however it doesn't seem to bother that much, even though it is expected from a game released at these times.

The story is mind-blowing to say the least; I really do not want to bring any spoilers, but I have to say, that you should indeed expect a very unwanted twist in the storyline and character progression.

I can hardly think of anything that could actually make this singleplayer more legend-wait-for-it-daaary.

Truly an experience worth every penny.