Run from this title, Run I say!

User Rating: 1.1 | Stolen XBOX
Oh great gaming gods why do you mock me with such drivel and trash!?! This game went from storyboards to final development without one person on staff asking the question, should we even make this game? This game represents everything that is bad is the gaming industry. This title has a very basic, overused plot. It has overused and repetitive game play. The graphics are not too good. The cut scenes are boring. The combat system is laughable. The AI is just simply atrocious. The load times are horrendous. I think every gamer should personally thank me for falling on the grenade that is Stolen. I played it so you don’t have to.

(Pause for applause)

As it starts you play as Anya, a female thief. You are supposedly the best at what you do. I find this awfully hard to believe. Sam Fisher could kick her ass. And speaking of Sam Fisher, this game will make you cry out for Splinter Cell. It is a stealth game. A very bad stealth game. They want you to be stealthy like a fox, yet as long as you follow the very linear story pattern, it’s really not that big a deal. This game directly leads you from point A to point B. It does not give you the opportunity to actually use your brain. The only way you’re really going to get caught up by not being stealthy is if you leave the beaten path. Even if you do leave the beaten path you will not be going too far. This game gives no room for exploration.

I will give them credit. They did try to add something new. I am always a fan of innovation. The added mini games throughout the story. But notice I said “try”. The mini games are laughable and not very fun. I’ll take Wario Ware Inc, any day. Some of them are implemented at the worst times too. You’ll be in a tense situation about to blow through a door or something and then the screen will just suddenly flip to a mini game, taking you completely out of the moment. Now the story is flimsy at best, but it shouldn’t revert to a constant slew of interruption.

The graphics really remind me of the N64. Sure there 3D, but so what? They are glitchy and sticky at best. Backgrounds tend to fade away the longer you play it and the hotter your processor gets. Energy efficiency is something most gamers never think about. However it is highly important to developers. That is why I am so surprised there is no efficiency in this title. Your console will heat up faster then a nerd in a nudie bar. The backgrounds are so bland and boring it makes me sick. They were defiantly an afterthought at best.

All in all this title is worthless. I would not pick it up under any circumstances. This isn’t even something to play when you’re bored. I would rather stare at a bug on the wall. I am mad I sat through this one. Life is so precious, and I wasted six hours of mine. If you really want to play a boring stealth title with no replay value then go get Rouge Ops. This game just isn’t worth it. If this game were a movie it would be “From Justin to Kelly”.