Steel Diver is an Ok game

User Rating: 7.5 | Steel Diver 3DS
Game play:
Steel Diver is a nice strategic game moving your submarine in just the right is is pretty fun. You have to move your submarine earlier than usual because of the weight of the submarine plus it makes the game more challenging and fun.The periscope mode is using the 3DS gyro-sensor in a neat way you tilt the 3DS sideways and destroy the enemy ships. The Strategic Battle overall is fine you can play alone or via download play this is absolutely the lamest game yet sorry people.

Not much to say but the graphics seem to be simple and the 3d is good. The effect's with the storm is OK but if you should rely on street fighter for amazing and eye-popping graphics.

OK the bottom screen shows a very interesting concept of controlling you're submarine. There are 3 submarines the manatee (which does not have the wheel),the blue shark and the large one sorry i forgot.

For $40 is a little to expensive for the limited content they give you i would probably recommend you to rent or skip but this is my opinion if you see that the game is interesting to you then try buying it if you hate it then don't blame me but I can say this is one of the better 3DS Launch Titles but since thee are quite a few it kinda damages the experience.