Anyone who even remotely liked SOE will probably hate SOE2, I know I did.

User Rating: 2.6 | State of Emergency 2 PS2
Oh man, where to start. Should I start with the overly cliche-ridden voice acting, or the dumbed down Max payne-like controls? How about the stereotyped characters: The heroic white guy trying to save his girlfriend from the evil Corporation, Another nerdy wise-ass white guy who talks to you through hacked communication, The fat Latino gang-leader, or the black guy who can use his head to break down doors. This game takes every aspect of gaming and falls flat. The graphics are REALLY old, control isn't up to any standard, and they got rid of what made the first game great: Beating up random people, ripping off limbs and beating other people with the very same severed limb. The first SOE wasn't even much more than that, but it made for one hell of a stress-reliever, and the second one does nothing but cause stress and rage with it's clumsy gameplay and how easy it is to die.

This game is kinda like a retarded version of Mission: Impossible meets the mongoloid stepchild of Commando. This game is way outdated and honestly not even worth a rental, much less it's $29.99 price tag. This game was put on many levels of hiatus and probably should've been given a burial plot for the developer's graveyard.