Diserves a better sequal

User Rating: 9.5 | StarTropics NES
Star Tropics is one of my favorite games in the NES library. There was a sequal to this game called Zoda's Revenge, and it sucked. Star Tropics is about a kid named Mike who's grandpa goes missing and goes on an epic adventure. It's essentially a puzzle slash adventure slash RPG. Most of the dungeons you have to get through a puzzle before you can get to it. By getting across the island ehich is usually blocked by either mountains or oceans. One thing that really annoys me is that whenever you go through a town and off to the dungeon, you have to talk to every single person before the person at the end of the twon will let you through. And none of the people ever have anything important to say. In the game your main weapon is, a sword? No. An axe? No. A stick? No. A yo-yo. A yo-yo is your means of attack. There are power-ups you can find like rocks, bats ext. The bosses consist of a giant snake, an octopus, a fire thing and others. It has a pretty solid stroy-line and is a great game to get for your NES or Wii.