The best video-game ever made, period.

User Rating: 10 | Starsiege Tribes PC

I was just a kid when I played this and it was actually my first multi-player game ever but this game is the reason why I am still here playing games right now. If I never would have played this I doubt that I would have really become interested in gaming and that is a scary thought for me. Tribes was so far ahead of its time, I really don't know where to begin. Long before Halo, Planetside 2 and TitanFail, this game had people flying around with jetpacks in insanely intense matches. Long before Battlefield, this game had people moving across some of the largest maps (for a non MMO) ever designed for a multi-player FPS.

This game had it all: A crazy amount of depth, teamwork (required), truly intense matches, a level of competition not seen on any game since, huge selection of massive maps, mods, an awesome competitive scene, a huge selection of classes and weapons and of course speed, speed, speed, speed and more speed. lol

And this was back when games required more skill to play if you wanted to become good. If you took today's Halo or COD players and tossed them into a Tribes match back then they would get absolutely crushed. LOL That is why I always say that Tribes created the best demographic of gamers in history. Most of the top players went on to become superstars on other games and even a lot of the average players did as well.

I have been searching for another Tribes and never found anything that even came close so far. I doubt that we will ever see another one like this.