A lot of people don't like this game but its pretty good. Most people don't really pay attention to it.

User Rating: 8 | Starship Troopers PC
A lot of people think the troopers AI is horrible but it is very smart. They provide accurate fire, they throw grenades when needed, and they don't hurt you if they hit you. This game is a lot like the movie and I liked the movie, it was awesome. The bug AI can be smart too, they will equip any bugs that can "snipe" in long distance maps or send a bunch of close range fighters in small parts of the map. People need to play this game and see how good it really is. If you have it, play through it again and you will see how good it really is. If you don't have it borrow it or get it off eBay or amazon or somewhere. If you feel like killing a bunch of non-humans anytime then play this game. The point is this game is overlooked by a lot of people and you really need to play it again if you haven't already.