It is a Dark Time for the Rebellion Indeed...

User Rating: 9.3 | Star Wars TIE Fighter: Collector's CD-ROM PC
Countless clones, one after another are released...remakes of remakes of remakes, many costing countless millions of dollars to produce. Yet the real gems have long been forgotten by the massess. Tie Fighter is one of those gems. In an era that defined what a computer game could do, this is yet another of the countless space combat simulators that enthralled millions - or perhaps thousands. Given that there have been too few games defined by this generation to be counted on one hand, the audience must have been small. But I for one will never forget the experience of the Tie Fighter, and Lucas Arts experiences provided in the early to mid '90's. I count myself among the lucky to have experienced it, and wish today's computer game audience would open back up to the idea of a game with actual depth that rewarded you for good flying with better ships, a storyline, and the chance to play out your desires to explore the dakrside of the force.

Help me Obi Won Kenobi, you're our only hope...

Please bring back the epic Sci-Fi Space Combat Simulator. Those of us older than 13 remember this era that defined PC gaming with more clarity than any other. We miss you....