Oh this game made me sad.

User Rating: 6.2 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars GC
When I first saw this game was was psyched. Then I played it. It really disappointed me. Almost the entire game you are in vehicles except for a couple times in the game and the times you are not very good. I would not mind having to be in the vehicles if you were normal troopers but, of course, you're a Jedi. The battles in the game are fun and the controls are not that hard to figure out but those are the only good things I found about this game aside from multi-player. The plot in the game is ridiculous and made me like this game less because it has absolutely nothing to do with the movies and Anikan and Obi-Wan probably would not have done everything in vehicles if they would even actually go to these places. If you want to rent or buy this game I won't say don't but I think you will be disappointed by it.