This game had it's good moments and bad moments. It is a Star Wars game that g\can keep you occupid for a bit.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars XBOX
Have you ever wanted a game that has a solid story-line, average graphics, and a bunch of ways to destroy your enemies? This is just a typical Star Wars game set before the 2nd Episode in the Star Wars Saga. It involves numerous amounts of characters, multiple weaponsa dn vechiles, and a fresh story to keep the game flowing. I didn't like the fact that you are limited with attacks. You are limited with attacks in both vehicles and on foot. In the majority of the game, you are traveling ina vehicle equipped with weapons such as rockets, turrets, and lasers. If you are on foot, you are most likely to be carrying a lightsaber, becuase you will be a Jedi in the game when n foot. Well, during the whole game, you are a Jedi. This game does include multi-player via Xbox Live. WIth matches where you fight to death, build your own bases, or a mode where you just take on a group of vehicles and the last person standing is declared the winner. I would tell you the names, but at this time I am unaware of them. This is a multi-platform game and is worth renting first before a full purchase of the game.