this game is pretty fun

User Rating: 8.3 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars PS2
This game is pretty fun. You get to be Mace Windu with machines and gunship carriers, or even without anything. This game is fun and exciting. This game is full of mechanical action! This is a game all Star Wars fans will enjoy! This game envolves Star Wars Clone Wars Episode II in it.
The gameplay is awsome! If battle droids are in a line you can throw your lightsaber and it will cut all of the battle droids in half and then it will come back to you! Now that is pretty awsome! The first couple of missions are easy. Once it get to level....7 (around there) it starts getting hard! When I was stuck there, it was because of those darn ships! You later may be Anikan or Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The graphics are great! They make it look like it does in the movie. The graphics will entertain you for hours, unless you hate Star Wars. This game is great, and it is worth the money! This is one of my favorite one of the Star Wars games! This game is the one of the best one ever!
The sound is truely awsome! The gun fire sounds realistic and the sounds of ships destroying are great! This game has the best of everything! Gameplay, Graphics, and Sound! There is nothing else this game can cover. I have nothing to say about suggestions of what the editors could have done differently.