This clone war is worth fighting for.

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars: Republic Commando XBOX
Star Wars Republic Commando is a squad based non-stop action shooter from start to finish and you will enjoy every minute of it.

In Republic Commando you take the role of a squad leader in the Republic’s clone army and giving orders to your team when completing your objectives is essential thing to do and on top of all that extremely fun as well. Single player campaign consists of three different smaller campaigns and there is very little elements to tie these smaller missions together. In short you fight against the separatists droids, clear-out Geonosian bugs and help the wookies in Kashyyk.

Graphics remind a lot of games like Halo and Metroid Prime, and they are solid helping to create that Star Wars feel in the action. Sound effects are also familiar for Star Wars fans and they work, but are not very remarkable either. One great detail is when blood or alien guts is splattered on your visor and then there is a cleaner which wipes the green or red blood off.

Gameplay is very fast-paced from start to finish. Game is exceptionally well balanced and there is not much of a quite moment until you reach the final cutscene. Your squad is your weapon, so being successful in a battle will many times depend on what orders you give to your intelligent men. Luckily assigning orders to your squad is easy and the game controls just like any other first person shooter. Your quest progresses in a linear way, but this game is not about exploring and adventure: it’s about fast and satisfying infantry combat in Star Wars fashion. Unfortunately the game is over in about 10 to 12 hours, but you’ll still relish every second of it..

Surprisingly the guns in Republic Commando are not very varied and memorable. Almost all the time the clone troopers are using their DC-17 multipurpose assault rifles with few additions like a sniper attachment and a grenade launcher. The most useful weapon is a melee weapon in your arm: an extending blade, that usually kills the opposition with just one slice. In order to make a quick advance through hordes of enemies usually the best method is to run forward with guns blazing and every time something comes in your way just do a fast slice with your melee knife.

Star Wars Republic Commando was a big positive surprise for me and I recommend it whole heartily. This clone war is worth fighting for.