What could have been the greatest Star Wars game ever...oh LucasArts, why didn't you let Obsidian finish this game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords PC
Even in the state that it's in, this is one of the best computer role playing games ever created. And yes, I've played them all. I am so thoroughly impressed with the choices you can make in this game, the story given, the non player characters, that it almost outweighs the shape this game is in.

What is that shape? Well it does feel disjointed at times, it feels rushed, like there was a cutscene you were supposed to see but didn't. It's buggy, there times when your character will get stuck on "corners" or they just won't move at the end of a fight and you'll need to quicksave and reload. Some occasional crashes. Messed up character animations (a NPC typing on control panel while standing and nothing in front of them). A nasty bug at the end of Telos that sometimes won't trigger (you're first encounter with another jedi). Many of these are superficial bugs, some are just downright annoying.

With all that said, I can honestly say, the positives due indeed outweigh these problems, amazingly enough. The gameplay is classic pause play rpg goodness from the original and is very solid and fun. But the story, the delivery, the npc interaction and the role play that makes this game shine.

I would recommend this to any serious role-players out there, you HAVE TO play this, you won't be disappointed. For casual gamers it will only cause frustration and anger.