superb review on weapons

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II PC
Effectiveness: 3
Cajones Factor: 10
Ammo Used: N/A
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, people only had their fists to defend themselves with - that is, before they invented the Lightsaber and blasters. You too might find yourself facing foes with nothing but your bare knuckles to protect yourself, and believe it or not, you can take out a few enemies with them. But if you find yourself pounding Stormtrooper armor or the tough hide of a Gran, you'll end up hurting yourself more than your opponent. To be used only as a last resort.

Modified Bryar Pistol
Effectiveness: 6
Cajones Factor: 7
Ammo Used: Energy Cells
This pistol is actually a Bryar rifle with the end chopped off. You'll find it will serve you well when all your other weapons have been spent. It's accurate and uses common energy cells, but it doesn't have a secondary fire mode and is not very fast. Over long distances this weapon will serve you better than a Stormtrooper rifle but loses a bit of its punch. If you want to take someone out without wasting a lot of ammo, this is the weapon of choice.

Stormtrooper Rifle
Effectiveness: 5
Cajones Factor: 6
Ammo Used: Energy Cells
After you get your hands on one of these, you'll begin to realize why Stormtroopers have such a hard time hitting unprotected members of the Rebel Alliance. This weapon is woefully inaccurate, and if you're firing from more than a few steps from your opponent, you'll waste plenty of ammo trying to take him out. But it does come in handy for close-up firefights, as it can spit out about four shots per second.

Thermal Detonators

Effectiveness: 7
Cajones Factor: 7
Ammo Used: N/A
They may be tough to master, but the wallop they pack makes it well worth the practice. This is one of the better long-range weapons, since they don't have to be right on target to take care of business. However, if you plan to use them up close, you better find something to duck behind, as you may do yourself more damage than your opponent. It takes some strength to use one, so it's a good idea to hold the fire key down a little extra long to avoid underthrowing. Thermal detonators are also great for getting through doors or weakened gates. They have two modes: One makes them explode on impact and the other makes them go off after three seconds.

Tusken Bowcaster
Effectiveness: 6
Cajones Factor: 5
Ammo Used: Power Cells
This favorite among Wookies features two modes of fire. The primary mode fires a single shot, which you can build up to fire three or five bursts in a horizontal spread (a nice way to clear a room) by holding down the fire button. The secondary mode fires a reflective burst that bounces off the first surface it strikes, making it great for taking out enemies around corners. Avoid using this at close range, as it explodes when it hits an enemy.

Imperial Repeater
Effectiveness: 7
Cajones Factor: 5
Ammo Used: Power Cells
This weapon is great because it's accurate over long distances and very fast. With its rapid-fire primary mode, you can clear a room by sweeping the area. Just be sure to watch your ammo level as this weapon eats ammo like popcorn.

Rail Detonator
Effectiveness: 8
Cajones Factor: 4
Ammo Used: Rail Charges This Assault Cannon replacement fires off rail charges that either explode on impact or (better yet) stick to an opponent for three seconds before detonation. The enemy takes damage not only from the initial hit but from the explosion as well. Naturally you don't want to be standing too close with this kind of weapon, unless you have an escape route. You don't need to be too accurate over long distances with the rail detonator, just be sure you have plenty of space around your shot path.

Sequencer Charges
Effectiveness: 7
Cajones Factor: 6
Ammo Used: N/A
Sequencer charges are great ambush weapons. The primary setting explodes after two seconds, and the secondary setting allows you to plant the charge on a wall, a door, or on the floor with an activated proximity sensor. One warning: These things are pretty touchy and can go off even from a nearby explosion or the smallest movement. If you see a flashing red light, it's best to stay away. Set it off with another mine or a long-distance rail charge and the concussion rifle (primary mode).

Concussion Rifle
Effectiveness: 8
Cajones Factor: 7
Ammo Used: Power Cells
The concussion rifle fires a bullet of compressed air that explodes upon impact or at 50 meters (whichever comes first). While deadly at long range, it can be equally hazardous up close, unless you're going to use its secondary mode.

Effectiveness: 8
Cajones Factor: 9
Ammo Used: N/A
What can be said that hasn't been said before? There are those who will play the entire game armed only with a Lightsaber. While it is primarily a defensive weapon, adept at taking out opponents at close range, you can also use it to cut through grates and walls. Once you have it, it really should become your primary tool, as the name of the game is Jedi Knight. Just keep in mind that when it comes to the Lightsaber, practice makes perfect.