Sony, just please stop making fail MMOs...

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures PC
OK, this game is NOT like Star Wars Galaxy at ALL. Let's break it down.

Story (3/10):
There isn't really a story here, except the Republic is fighting the Sith. If you watched the Clone Wars TV shows (Not the old 2003 version...), you'd understand. Completely boring Republic/Sith fighting stuff. This is something like the really good Star Wars movies mixed with [insert your most hated thing].

Gameplay (6/10):
OK, now this is the part that I half liked, and half hated. If you've played FreeRealms, then you'll notice a HUGE rip-off here: Houses, Mini-Games, DAILY WHEEL (Sony! WHY???), Pets, whatever. Then they remove jumping. What the &*%$, Sony, just make an expansion pack to FreeRealms then if you want to copy half the fun things in FreeRealms.

Graphics (8/10):
Nothing brand new here, but if you turn the details up REALLY high, then it does indeed look like the TV show. Though, sometimes the hair on your character appears when wearing a clone helmet.

Sound (9/10):
Errr... May I say that this is like the movies?

Final Appeal (6.0):
I forgot to mention this, but the game will MANY times crash, unless you've played for months. Sony, if you ever want to rip-off from FreeRealms, make it an expansion pack...