A Star Wars gamer's dream come true.

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars: Bounty Hunter PS2
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is any Star Wars fan's dream. By that I mean that it contains a very good amount of new information on characters and plot, familiar species, and everyone's favorite bounty hunter's father. This father is known as Jango Fett, and this game take place after the Battle of Naboo, where Jango is hired by Count Dooku for two reasons. A) To find and kill Kamari Vosa, a rogue Jedi whom the Count trained himself and B) To find a donor of cells for a certain clone army. You'll even meet up with Zam Wessel. Along the way you'll unlock a comic showing Jango's career in the Mandalorean army and the past of his rival, who you also face in the game.

Gameplay: 10/10: If you know Jango Fett at all, you'll know that he uses a jetpack, dual pistols, and the ominous T-shaped visor. In the game you'll have to utilize all of this and more, including whipcord, flamethrower, Kaminoean saber darts, and more. Throughout the game you'll complete levels by reaching a certain point, following important people, and...ultimately killing most of those people. There are also certain people through the levels with bounties on their heads that you can capture and/or kill to unlock various other things.

Graphics: 8:10: The graphics are fine, nothing special, you know that you're Jango, and who else is who else, but the enemies mostly look identical. The one thing that stands out though, are the cutscenes after every chapter. These have great looking graphics and are something you'd expect from a Star Wars Film.

Sound: 9/10: Very good sound, but there are some cases where you'll here shooting, but not know where it is coming from.

Value: 9/10: The campaign mode is very long, the bounties you keep you looking, but besides that, there isn't much else.

Overall, Bounty Hunter is a great game, for the action and for the fanlore.