Take the role of a student of the Starfleet Academy, working your way up to the top.

User Rating: 7 | Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator SNES
Graphics: Pretty decent I'd say, nothing to fangasm over however. Most of what you see aside from the actual space view is your average 16-bit you would expect to see. The space view, however, somewhat follows along with and compares to Star Fox, and actually is slightly improved. It's hard to tell a difference though.

Sound/Music: The sound isn't very bad, but nothing that would catch the ear. Honestly they're pretty quiet, the loudest sound you'll hear is probably when you're making a warp. Music is well composed and during a mission, is rather quiet to keep you focused on your mission I would suppose.

Difficulty: Your missions range from easy to hard, depending how good you are. At the start of creating your profile, you can decide what difficulty level you want. The varity of difficulties per level usually will escilate, but some you may find easier than the previously-done mission.

Gameplay: A true gem for any Star Trek fanatic to have, or any flightsim/sci-fi fan in general. It has a unique style of gameplay, mostly because there's a range of things you can do; you are able to study about the different races, ships and so on, so that you can have a better understanding of the galaxy. You spend your time on the game as a student in the academy doing mission to mission and completing a list of objectives that you are given during the briefing. These missions can range from isolating dangerous objects from planets and destroying the object, or protecting a spacestation from opposing races and fleets who want the opposite of what the Federation wants (who's goal is peace while the opposing is galactic domination and will crush any whom get in their way). After a mission, you are ranked by percentage and sufficency. You are penalized if you "mess up" parts of the mission, such as having any other alert but green when near a Federation station, or other things that relate. Usually, the expected passing percentage is a 75% (which in most cases would be considered a C). Anything below, you will have to redo the mission.

Controls: Easy to get the hang of, and being the SNES controller layout isn't very big, you shouldn't have much of a problem getting used to them. The only problem that anyone would possibly have, most of the time, would be in a desprate time such as a battle, the player might get some of the controls mixed up, such as instead of firing the phasers they may change their throttle instead. Controls can be changed, of course, but the defaults are: Y = Phaser, X = Throttle up, B = Throttle down, A = Photon torpedo. Simple once you get the hang of it.

Overall: Not bad for a SNES game, although can get bland after about 30 minutes to an hour. There's a password system in here so to keep your progress. Definate collector's item for any Trekkie out there, or any collector period. A decent sim, and a good feel behind the controls of a captain of a Federation vessle.