Waiting for a new star trek game and total disappointment.

User Rating: 4 | Star Trek: Legacy PC
I played star trek since the Super Nintendo Weird game, also many games for the Computer. The game Star Trek Legacy looks nice on the outside but theres no good stuff inside it.

The Game does have nice graphics, but it provides with a very poor graphical engine, compared to other games that runs with a lesser machines with same graphics, this fails in the department. Like always the games mostly suffers from the publishers and the game engine they use. For example the graphical engine from Jupiter Incident Nexus, as it have beautiful graphics but runs smoothly than this one.

The game play in the Campaign and missions are ok, easy to my taste. The User interface was likely done in a rush, but also where is the star trek philosophy where you can set everything on your ship, be the captain, or be the engineer. Surely Bridge commander is old but got more things to do than Legacy. The actors where great, like always, as i don't mind watching their shows various times.

Also the game limits itself in a box, also the skill avoiding stuff can be forgotten here since the game puts a barrier in every object.

The controls, well, this is a mixed situation, let the computer do it or do it yourself with a difficult learning curve until you try to get a hang on it. As i said before the game is on a box, when you reach to the end the ship might get suck or do some weird maneuvers. Also with the clumsy controls, the ship cannot do a clean 360 degree in a Y Axis. Is like stalling a plane when is short of impulse air.

The game had the potential, it have good things and bad things. The game have the Famous OS Syndrome, where looks are primary and quality are seconds or last, is true is a lot of work but try the best on doing a good. game. Well, hopefully that Fallout 3 will be a better game as i played the series and loved the game play and the "philosophy" since Bethesda was involved in this game.