Few games compare to the greatness that is Star Ocean.

User Rating: 10 | Star Ocean SNES
Star Ocean is an RPG series only consisting of 4 games. Star Ocean for SNES, Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX), Star Ocean: Blue Sphere (GBA, Japanese), and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. This particular installment is the first. Gameplay: Star Ocean's gameplay is revolutionary for its time. The first RPG to have a truly realized real time combat system. You enter a random battle, and then you can move your characters about and attack, all in real time. It is an extremely fast paced and intense battle system that requires much of the player. Often, you will be battling with only a fraction of your full health due to the challenge level of most enemies. This is definitely not a game for the RPG newbie. There is a large skill system that is a standard for Star Ocean games. It involves many different things that can affect how good your character is at doing various tasks. Some skills may even help you in battle. There is a great variety of skills as well, and it takes forever to get all of them. The storyline for Star Ocean is as epic as any Final Fantasy, and any who disagree kids themself. A broad epic reaching across the ocean of stars, Star Ocean's storyline is a wonder to behold. Replay value is also high, as you won't be able to get every character on just one playthrough. Not to mention the story is so good you will want to play again and again. Graphics: For the SNES these graphics are some of the best the system can sport. Sound: The music in this game is incredible. It is full of catchy tunes, and easily rivals Final Fantasy soundtracks. Sound effects are also superb. Value: Around 37$ on ebay, this game is an absolute steal (make sure you know Japanese though) Tilt: One of the best games ever made, Star Ocean is a must play for any RPG fan, or any fan of games in general.