Star fox zero review (Wii-U)

User Rating: 8 | Star Fox Zero WIIU
I consider this the “last jedi” of the star fox franchise, as people are very divisive on this game, with plenty loving it, but plenty more hating it, and like with last jedi, I honestly do not get why so many people hate this game. I really enjoyed it! It can be frustrating at times, particularly during some of the boss battles, and the controls do take some time to get used to, but it is still a very fun and rewarding game if you stick with it. A lot of people also complain the graphics don’t look very good at all, but I personally think they look really good! The music is also obviously fantastic, and its always fun to listen to the banter between the characters, and while yes the game is almost a complete retread of starfox 64 in terms of the locations you go through and the story, I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. Starfox 64 was a great game! So it really dosen’t hurt that zero is so similar to that classic from the 5th generation at all. Also zero does make enough devations from 64 to stand out in its own right, so its not like its the exact same game as 64. Overall, starfox zero gets an 8/10. It would be a bit higher if it weren’t for the frustrating moments such as certain boss fights, but its still a great game that is absolutely worth playing if you haven’t done so yet.