Ignore the 64 fantards, this is a great game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Fox Adventures GC
Star Fox Adventures was my first (apart from melee) trip on the gamecube...and i only got in in 2007... so how does it stand? Just about excellent.

Story: (Ripped from IMDB coz i CBA lol)

t has been eight years since Fox McCloud defeated the evil Andross. Since then, the Star Fox team has been on a slow downturn. Falco, a loyal friend of Fox, decided to leave the team in search of new challenges. Peppy, in his old age, quit his duties as a pilot to focus on navigation, and Slippy did likewise, focusing on his technological developments. While Fox and his comrades are recognized as heroes, they've received little in the way of work since Andross's death, and their ship, the Great Fox, has seen much better days. However, one day, as they're approaching Dinosaur Planet at the edge of the Lylat System, they receive a message from General Pepper asking Fox to investigate what's caused the world to suddenly start breaking up and find a way to fix it. At the same time, Dinosaur Planet's inhabitants are under the dictatorial rule of General Scales, whom Fox must contend with in order to complete his mission. And then there's the mysterious Krystal, who became trapped in a large crystal after being attacked within Krazoa Palace. Can Fox free her and receive her help to stop General Scales and save Dinosaur Planet?

Nintendo took a risky decision with the Starfox series and decided that the 'sequel' to Starfox (or Llyat wars) 64 should be an action/adventure game - due to the increadibly differnt formula many fans of the series took to the responces 'Not half as good starfox 64' or 'This game sucks'... just


The gameplay is absolutely great - The game mostly consists of collecting items, travelling to different locations (which are not avalible at first) and other related tasks. You could even say it was a zelda clone, and fans of the zelda series will notice elements of zelda in the game, but the game still has it's own unique charm and holds up suprsingly well. Throughout the game there are also some sparsly placed bosses which are quite epic (one a massive T-Rex - WOAH!) and 'Krozoa Tests'.... some are pretty easy while others are painstakingly HARD! *runs away from test of fear* WAY TOO HARD!

My only complaint with the gameplay is that it's quite linear and get's repetitive at times

The graphics are actually quite superb for a 2002 title. I remember coming in this in 2007 + looking at the water and saying 'OMG THE WATER LOOKS LIKE WATER!' but that's maybe because i was looking... too closely... lol. The fur graphics on the charater models on Fox and Krystal looks realistic and superb also... maybe perhaps the best ones in a game ever. (or maybe im mistaken.... there's not a lot of games with anthromorphic charaters in... mmmmm....)

If you buy the game i'd expect only a once through playthrough - however the game is interesting enougth to play through again if your a furry or a zelda freak... lol....

The music is beautiful to bog standard...

The soundtrack for some areas is just plain awesome and atmospheric and in other areas it feels like the developers got lazy and threw in some discords and drum riffs to keep you in suspence... or maybe that's just me with my picky musical tastes :P

Overall if you see this game it's worth a playthrough. it's not a 'Must Buy' but expect this game to give you a lot of fun if you don't look at all the minor flaws it has and get past the fact it isn't Starfox 64 2....