This game is just simply terrible in everyway possible!!!!

User Rating: 2.5 | Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (UK) PS2
If you are a Spyro fan or even a gamer who wants to try series new to them. Don't buy, rent, or even play this disappointing craptastic disaster of a game.

Spyro The Dragon games have always had solid gameplay. Something that this game fails in. When you start the actual game the first thing you'll notice is that the games framerate is terribly slow. The lag is absolutely slow, and I wouldn't mind this so much if it only happened's a little bit but in Spyro Enter The Dragonfly's case lag happened's all the tme. It will never stop unless you glide off an edge of a cliff but what's the point!!! Also the loading screens are very long and dragged on. They could take 30 seconds, or 1 minute, and these loading screens occur when you start the game, when you actually pass the title screen, when you enter a level, when you exit a level, when you enter a minigame, when you exit a minigame, when you wait for a cutscene, when you exit a cutscene, and the list goes on, waiting this long is annoying and repetitive, and sooner or later you will find yourself skipping the minigames and doing whatever the hell you can to stay away from these horrid loading screens! The gameplay doesn't shine light on this game either. Spyro moves very slow, and is very delayed. Spyro hovers way too high. Spyro doesn't turn enough with the
D-pad on your control, he only turns enough when you use the Anolog Stick which is unforgivable because some people and more used to using the D-pad such as myself, but that's not possible thanks to the crippled and broken controls, and don't hit the wall either unless you want to hear "ouch"
over and over again. There are also tons of glithes ranging from charging right through solid objects, swimming in the air, random game freezing, getting stuck in objects, attacking enemy's and instead on them dying the either don't respond to your attack, or respond and slide all over the place for 3 seconds then die. Even the lip syncing is terrible. The lip syncing is so bad that it doesn't even look like there talking to you.

The graphics arn't good either. Yes, they are colourful, and yes, Spyro's animation is smooth and looks natural. but that's not enough to cover up the graphical glitches and problems. The main characters and the charecters that you talk to look decent but the enemy's and Ripto looks horrible. There eyes are huge, there mouthes are flapping all over the place, while there body's wiggle all over the place. Their animation is also equally as bad. Also Ripto has this amazing talent of opening his big, fat mouth 10 inches long, geez. The water effects are okay though, but yet it still isn't enough to cover up the horrid graphical glitch. The entire map disapearing while you are playing, and no I'm not lying, the entire level your playing in disappears making this game even more unplayable.

They can't even get the music and sounds right. The music is quite terrible and annoying, and also has glitches. Sometimes the music gets stuck and loops over and over again, and sometimes the sounds get stuck and keeps on playing. Also the voice acting is not that great either. Spyro and Hunter's voice are medicore while Bianca, and Ripto's voice is horrid.

The games length is also ver short. 10 level's, THAT'S IT!! and not only that there is no ending, once you beat Ripto's who is very easy and disappionting, all you get for playing this garbage is the credits screen and well.....that's about it. Even the gems are useless because collecting Dragonfly's unlockes the levels.

This game is simply terrible in every way possible. It's unfinished, buggy, boring, and busted, and with a very short length this is really more of a waist of time and money. Don't bother!!!!!