Spore Creature Creator is a fun and simple tool for creating your very own monsters.

User Rating: 7.5 | Spore Creature Creator PC
Before I start telling you about this game, it is a stripped down version or demo of the actual game. It is simply one mode of the full game that was plopped onto a disc for a small price of $10.

Now onto the beef and cheese. Spore Creature Creator only has one true play option, which is create a creature (Load a creature doesn't really count as a mode). You can select from a variety of mouths, bodies, arms, legs, etc. to make your very own creature and paint it with a assortment of different patterns and a few different colors (notice I said few because there are only like 10 colors or so.) When you're done creating your creature, you can take it to a virtual field to "play" with it. Playing with your creature is pointless and the animations look just about the same with every creature.

I would recommend this game to those who artistic or just simply like to create their own monsters/creatures. Its pretty simple and is mostly used as a leisurely creator tool for me. But nonetheless, this game is a good time waster and a fun creation game.