They did not put any effort into making this game! It STINKS!!!

User Rating: 2.5 | SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab WII
I am kind of a fan of the show, but this is just terrible!
If they really wanted to make a good game instead of this copy of the past spongebob games, they would have spent at least another year on it!
This game needs some Mega adjustments!
First of all the control are pretty frustrating at times!
Second this game reminds me sooo much of the past spongebob games if they really would have tried they could have made a better game than just this cheap copy of the other spongbob games!
Third I paid $50 for this piece of crap!
This game isn't even worth $20!
So if you are a fan of the show and you get this game you will be pretty disappointed!
If you are not a fan of the show and you get this game, don't worry your not the only one who has made a mistake or two in their life!
I have too!
Bottom line DO NOT GET THIS GAME!!!