One of the hardest MOTHA F**KAS on earth but in good way and memorable on a good note!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage GEN
The game is based one of the sagas from the Spider-Man comics and made a shorter version for the SEGA GENISUS and SNES (Super Nintindo). It Starts off when Cletus Kasady is takin to his cell in a PYSCH WARD...but while hes being carried away a strange but red, but simalr, alien symbiote, very much like venoms, found Kasady as a host and goes on a killing rampage! and he finds recruits of bad guys to go and take over new york and its up to spider-man, venom, black cat and other cameo of heros to try and take down carnmage and his band of social paths b4 new york becomes ingolfed in seroius violance and mayhem...

When i was 7 years old i bought this games from, at the time, FUNCO LAND i had no idea how F**ken hard this game would be! to this day MAXIMUM CARNAGE is one of the hardest of all MOTHA F**KAS i mean the grand daddy!!! but in a good way in the sense for the spirit of the challage! I mean ok the controls are very easy and baasic like A and B for either jumbing or puching...and thats bout as deep as the controls get and a good thing too when u start playing! You will noticed early on the first level that these bad guys jus dont take turns getting to u! they will like try and gang rape you and stop at nothing to kill your A**! and on top of that ur health is very fragile so my advice is jus beat them fast as u can! and thats jus th bacis of each level...the boss fights are jus unbelievbly, borderline impossiple!!!!! and they take 2 ilfes or to for each but if ur bad A** and beat them in one life (thats me) then i like to take this approtunity to thank who ever came up with tthe invention of memoreis cards becuase theres ABOSOLUTLY no save features, not even those god afawl PASSWORDS! so when u play u better deicate ur time and pateince for this game and oh yeah u get continues dont get me wrong but thier hiddin like easter eggs... man can that be any harder?>>?? i know i jus saying how hard this game is but its soo fun tho its so hard but in a good way u know?

The grapihcs for its time was jus cartoony to have that comic book feel in thier since the cut scens are like reading a comic book and its bout avavrge for its time but not bad jus good enough to appreciate it!
N E WAYZ to rap it up jus buy this game or if ur lucky enough to find jus try it...its addictive!