A Fun Game That Is Just A Little Bit Too Repetitive

User Rating: 6 | Spider-Man 3 X360
Spider-man 3 the video game is obviously based on Spider-man 3 the movie but one thing that I was really impressed with when it comes to the game is the addition of other stories from the comics. The scorpion, the lizard, calypso, kingpin, etc...

The games gameplay is very much like the game for Spider-man 2 but it is extended even more. There are a lot more choices and missions in this game.

The fight system is much better this time around, mainly on the PS3, 360, and PC. The PS2, PSP, and Wii versions lack the new fight moves, there are a few news things but it is not as extended the PS3, 360, or PC.

One of the things that is really good about this game is that it doesn't take as long to progress in the story as it did in Spider-man 2. Spider-man 2 relied on points to progress and the points sometimes got so high that it would take forever to progress. That is no longer an issue. In this game all you have to do is complete a couple of missions and another group of missions appear.

The only problem with this game is pretty much the same problem that existed in Spider-man 2 and that is some repetitive gameplay. Some missions repeat themselves and that gets annoying.

Visually, the game looks great. The PS3, PC, and Xbox 360 look awesome. The city of New York looks great, character models are nice too, they aren't great though when compared to other games from this generation of games. The PS2, Wii and PSP are really shortened. There are parts of New York and missions missing from those versions. The PS2 looks OK, it is not graphically great looking, and in many ways doesn't even look as good as Spider-man 2, which is a surprise. The PSP is surprisingly very good. Granted that it is the same gameplay as the PS2 but graphically it looks a little better. This is mainly because the resolution of the PSP is better then the PS2 so it gives the game a more polished look. Loading times on the PSP can get annoying but its still a good game.

The Wii version could have been so much better. The fact that the Wii version is almost no different then a less powerful system like the PS2 and a hand-held like the PSP is really sad. The Wii's version is a graphical letdown compared to its other games and seems like a really unpolished version of the game. The Nintendo DS also had a version, it doesn't have the graphical power of the PSP but the way Nintendo set up the fight system for the DS is really fun and definitely worth the experience.

Overall, a fun game, there are some negatives to this game that do get annoying but all versions are still fun and definitely worth a try.