A forgotten gem for the PS2.

User Rating: 9.1 | Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy PS2
This quirky little adventure title manages to introduce characters that players can take an interest in, an story that makes you want to continue playing, and truley unique gameplay mechanics.
I picked this title out of a bargain bin, and was surprised to find that I found it more intersting than many full priced games. This title is pretty clearly Sony's version of Zelda, but it works and adds a puzzle mechanic that is more fun than any I have ever seen before.
The idea of having to shock, deform, or set the Mummy on fire to solve puzzles is a great idea. It's both fun and unique. The stealth and puzzle solving mix well with the action used when controlling the title character.
The only things that weren't absolutely stellar about this game were the lack of voice acting and unlockables. Other that that, I would have given it a 10. A great buy if you can still find it in stores. Hopefully, there will be a sequal.