An underrated game that gives the player action and humor with an interesting and original storyline.

User Rating: 9.2 | Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy PS2
I picked this game up for next to nothing because it looked interesting and found myself enjoying it much more than I expected. I became totally absorbed in the storyline, anxious to play the next character. The gameplay is nicely split between the action running and fighting of Sphinx and the thoughtful, stealthy (and usually very funny) gameplay of the Mummy. The game is very nonlinear, allowing the player to explore as they want to, solving the necessary puzzles to open new areas and options, but also having plenty of mini games and challenges to play. This made it fun to play through again to accomplish some of the things that I didn't finish the first time. The difficulty was moderate, just enough to be fun without becoming frustrating as so many games can be. Overall I thought this was as good a game as many higher rated ones, I can't wait for a sequel.