A decent Zelda clone that does a very nice imitation, but still falls short.

User Rating: 7.8 | Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy GC
Nothing about this game is truly spectacular, but it does a very good job at what it does. With the exception of its weak story, it's an interesting game that sadly, isn't too memorable. You play as Sphinx, a young demi-god out to save the world, and also as Tutankhamen, the Egyptian prince, who has been turned into a mummy as part of the plot to take over the world. When you play as Sphinx, you will handle the action part of the game, dishing out punishment to a great variety of fantasy enemies, with only a few puzzles standing in your way. The segments you play as the Mummy are puzzle-oriented since Tut has no combat skills. The game isn't an even split between the characters. Really you'll play 60% as Sphinx and the remainder as the Mummy. Despite what you may expect, this works out well, as the two storylines compliment each other quite well. The game has some pretty basic controls, though they are quite similar to StarFox: Adventures, and every Zelda game since Ocarina Of Time. You will gather weapons and power-ups as you progress, and you can map them to whichever of the face buttons you want, but your sword is still used only on the B button. Also, there are some platforming elements, and they are executed quite nicely. The sound and graphics are not bad at all, but they aren't anything special. You won't be humming any of the tunes from this game, in fact, I can't even remember any of them. And finally, just when the game is reaching it's climax, it ends with a gigantic cliffhanger. The game screams "Give me a sequel!", but since it wasn't a big seller, there will probably never be one. Still, if you are looking for a good game to spend some time on, this one can entertain for a while.