Its... Ok...

User Rating: 5 | Spawn: Armageddon GC
I bought and played this game, being a fan of the comics and having watched the movie (which I gotta say was actually pretty good for its time) But The game made me cry... I Played it for hours trying to beat the different levels and learned one thing, SMASH IS GOOD. Once you run out of the stuff to cast spells it doesn't Regen, once you run out of health, it doesn't Regen... You die so quickly against 1 or 2 monsters and you die even faster to bosses... plus you cant go all crazy with the chains like I know everyone wants to, Not only that but your movement is massively limited, The only really fun weapon other then the Axe as the mini gun which lasts all of 5 seconds and does hardly any damage for what it is. My opinion if you were a fan of spawn RENT this game but do not buy it you'll be a sad panda when you beat it over night. Not To All That Have Played Bloodrayne: Its Just Like That Game Only Without The Hot Chick and the dual wield slice and dice... that and Bloodrayne is 100% better...