Techno version of Diablo... except NOT being a classic.

User Rating: 4 | Space Siege PC
Space Siege is simple. You take the controls of Diablo (just point, click and everything dies) and click your way through the game. Jet this simplicity made Diablo a classic. It didn't work that way on Space Siege though.

The story starts promising. You're on a spaceship, without any help and there's a lot of bad guys and you have to kill them all (heard that one before haven't we). There's a lot that can be done with this simple formula, but they don't in Space Siege.
During the game you have to travel through certain parts of this really big space ship. In each area you have to kill stuff and acquire a certain object or save a certain person. But that's just it. They keep repeating the same "hey, now go save this guy, and wait, we've found some more people over there" routine, to the point that it gets boring. And every time you think you've slain the bad guy, some other idiot 'turn to the Dark side' and start making a mess of things.

Now there are certain positive sides to the game. The graphics look OK. Not the best you've ever seen, but OK. The sound's not bad either, though they loop the same background ambient music over and over. Now there's a lot of guns, abilities and upgrades to collect, so that'll probably keep you motivated to continue (the railgun from the Schwarzenegger movie ERASER is in it!). Unfortunately that's it.

I completed the game in 4 days, playing about 10 to 15 hours max. My character died 5 times, including the boss battles. This game is just to keep you indoors during a rainy day, but it's definitely NOT WORTH the 50 EURO's they charge you.