Only for serious South Park fans

User Rating: 5.5 | South Park N64
South Park is a FPS based off the TV show that we all love and enjoy on a weekly basis from Comedy Central. However, that's about it. Compared to the ohter FPS for the N64 such as GoldenEye or Perfect Dark, or even Turok, this game has very little to offer anyone who is not a South Park fan. The overall game is ok. Crazy aspects from some of the different episode plotlines are mixed together to form the basis for the game. However, single player is not all that good. Multiplayer is better, but even my good South Park fan friends got bored with it after about an hour. And although it's fun to drop a cow on someone in multiplayer mode, it is a little boring after a while. A good attempt that came up short to appease SP fans, but there is better out there, much better.