best fighting game of its time...pound for pound, best fighting game ever

User Rating: 10 | SoulCalibur DC
simply, gameplay, smoothness, detail, goes on and on. this game was so far ahead of its time, its a joke. it will get you hooked for hours and hours. a lot of people still prefer this one to the 2, 3, intallments of the series. yes there are a few fighting glitches here and there, but you deal with them and make some in-house rules. but there is definitely not enough to bring the game down by any means. the only bad thing about this, is that u have to buy a dreamcast. this game will be the sole purpose for having a dreamcast i promise you. but i still say its worth it. buy the DC, game, extra controller, and memory card, you are looking at about $100-$150. but it is worth it. the new SC's are also GREAT, but there is something about this one that will always remain.....