Not a bad attempt for Soul Calibur's first adventure game.

User Rating: 6 | SoulCalibur Legends WII
Soul Calibur is fighting game series from Namco which has had 4 games so far (Soul Blade, Soul Calibur 1, Soul Calibur 2 and Soul Calibur 3) and a 5th game (Soul Calibur 4) is currently being worked on. This game is Soul Calibur's spin-off game, which is more of an adventure game than any other Soul Calibur game.

At the start of the game, Siegfried is the only playable character, then as you play through the game, you unlock other popular characters from the series, such as Taki and Ivy as playable characters. Some enemies includes some characters who has been in Soul Calibur before, such as Lizardman and Berserker. And also some bosses includes Cervantes and Nightmare. After beating the main game mode, you unlock alternate costumes for all characters and you can choose any level from the game you want to play. There's also a 2 player mode, but I wasn't able to try that.

This game really could have been better. Instead of attacking with buttons, you have to swing the Wiimote in a certain way to perform attacks and that cause problems. I mean if you try to do a certain attack, it'll end up doing another attack. This has happened to me a lot throughout the game. Another problem is that you find yourself going through the same levels with little changes numerous times. I wouldn't mind going through the same levels only a few times, but it happens a lot in this game.

For a Wii game, the graphics could have been better, but they are still okay. It looks more like a GameCube game though. The music and sound is pretty much what you would expect from a Soul Calibur game. The characters keep the same voices from the previous games. There's not much else to say than that.

Overall, I would recommend renting this game first. It's not the best Wii game out there. It has it's fun parts and also it's boring parts. It's not bad for a attempt at Soul Calibur's first adventure game, but it really could have been better.