I think Namco should have kept the fighting genre for Soul Calibur. Nice try.

User Rating: 6.5 | SoulCalibur Legends WII
Once again nice try Namco. The only reason I tried this game is because it has Lloyd from ToS. Here's my frikkin review.

Graphics-5.9 Okay for a Wii game. Could've been much better though. It was blurry and glithcy. But hey! Lloyd's in it!!! Hurrah!

Story-6.4 The story wasn't bad or anything, just boring. All you do is do repetitive fights with a few bosses here and there. But Lloyd is in it!!!

Gameplay-6.2 Boring and more boring. Not even close to as good as SC 2 or 3. But Lloyd can do Falcon's Crest. YEAH!

Controls-6.1 The controls were crappy. They were'nt very responsive and messed up all the time. Lloyd controls well thogh and well... he's awesome!

Co-Op- 6.5 The co-op was probally the best thing in the game. You can't go wrong with Lloyd AND Siegfried.

Replay Value-6.0 I could only play through this game once before returning it to Blockbuster.

Cutscenes- 7.0 The cutscenes were atleast kinda cool...

Overall- 6.5 You already know why. But atleast it has
Lloyd in it!